t o u c h e d
b y
e n t r o p y
m a n i c a n d e m p t y
Coils of wire wrapped haphazardly
not plugged in
just laying s t i l l
no electricity but
a hazard if that coil
wraps w i r e around
your leg
a jar full of bees
thrown through a window
with nobody home
but a scream
upstairs a crash
a deep hum rumbling
scream thud tumbling
the front door slams wide
A sprinting gazelle
with blonde hair streams out
red faced and panting
flailing with wild eyed energy
inelegant grace leaps a fence
scrabbling on cobbles to a pond
scream splash
the dark cloud buzzes along
The front porch giggles
at the open door
as a wet blanket
washes up on shore